





The Sanganer bird hospital has received 80 injured birds in the last three days from across the city. Despite a ban and everyday incidents of people being killed or injured by the Chinese manjha, kite-lovers are not shying away from using the deadly thread.”The Jaipur Metro Rail Corporation has asked the public to avoid flying kites near Chandpol railway station.

No, it’s not the human terrorists they fear but the “terror” imported from China in the form of killer kite strings. At least four people have been killed and several seriously injured in a fortnight by the “Chinese manjha” in Jaipur alone.cast iron wheels Manufacturers Come January and Jaipurites are once again afraid of stepping out of their home. Dr Vikas Sharma of EWCS, a body working for injured birds, says 2016 has been the worst for birds. They are using either city buses or auto rickshaws, especially in the walled city in the afternoon, to save their necks and faces. If they have to, they make sure they put on adequate protection.

If they have to, they make sure they put on adequate protection. With Sankranti just three days away, district collector Krishan Kunal has issued directions that kite flying from 6-8 am and from 5-7 pm will be banned in rural Jaipur to protect birds. While desi strings are made of cotton, the Chinese one is cheap plastic or nylon thread with crushed glass coating, making it sharp enough to easily cut bones. “We became active 2-3 days before Makar Sankranti but in 2016 good weather combined with the winter break has become disaster for birds.Clear skies and ideal air velocity for kite flying has made birds, which fly most in the morning and in the evening, a target. The fear among them is so high that many of them are avoiding two-wheelers




No Name Ninja